温哥华 604.437.5161 列治文 604.270.8883
Commissioned by a prestigious hotel in Vancouver, the ‘Origami’ Fazioli piano was designed by a team of renowned architects (McFarlane / Green / Biggar). The white instrument stands out thanks to the elaborate three-dimensional walnut inlay inside its lid.
本网站仅罗列出特殊「Art Case」型号中的部分精选型号。木材乃天然材料,拥有绝无仅有的特征和纹路,因此图片中可见的薄木片只作参考之用,实际与图片可能略有差异。
型号: F212
产地: 意大利
尺寸: 6'11“x 60”(212厘米x 152厘米)
饰面: 缎面或抛光黑檀木,其他饰面。艺术造型包括:Amboina, Chiocciola, Fairmont, M. Liminal, Macassar, Malachite, Marco Polo, Royal, Silver, Strauss, Walnut California Brier